ALCACHOFA Y MANZANAS (Artichoke and apples)

ALCACHOFA Y MANZANAS  (ARTICHOKE AND APPLES) by Dulce Beatriz. Oil on canvas. 36"x48" Circa 2001.

ALCACHOFA Y MANZANAS (ARTICHOKE AND APPLES) by Dulce Beatriz. Oil on canvas. 36″x48″ Circa 2001.

Detail. Here you see the artichoke and the pomegranates in exquisite, realistic detail. Notice the play of light and shadow.

Detail. Here you see the artichoke and the pomegranates in exquisite, realistic detail. Notice the play of light and shadow.

Detail. Notice the texture of the skins of the fruit and the reflection of light. Also the clover (Trifolium) on the bottom left.

Detail. Notice the texture of the skins of the fruit and the reflection of light. Also the clover (Trifolium) on the bottom left.